Monday, August 9, 2010

Equality Needed

I have to admit, I was quite hesitant to provide a commentary on same-sex marriage. Frankly, I believe it is probably one of the most controversial topics in existence today. It is truly doubtful that we will ever reach a solution that pleases everyone. Chances are, what I have to say will offend someone, simply because same-sex marriage is such a touchy subject. Numerous legislative battles, lawsuits, and ballot initiatives have ensued as a result of the strong opinions most Americans hold towards this issue.

Honestly, I am completely for same-sex marriage. Before I delve further in explaining my opinion, I would first like to analyze the reasoning behind both sides of this never-ending battle. Viewpoints against same-sex marriage are often based on religious principles, which I am in no place to undermine. While I understand and respect religious views that consider same-sex marriage a sin, as an atheist, I look at this from a personal viewpoint. Homosexuals are just as human as the rest of us. They have favorite colors. They have good days. They have bad ones. Really, the only thing that makes them different is their sexual orientation. How can anyone truly justify this as a legitimate basis on which to deny rights? What happened to true equality? Who has the right to make exceptions to fairness, to choose to grant rights to some but not all Americans? Creating criteria for equality undermines what makes America free. As our government book mentioned, those who are acquainted with gays or lesbians tend to be more sympathetic. Perhaps this is true. I happen to know several and merely wish them the best. If they desire to get married, to receive the same legal status granted to heterosexual couples, what should stop them?

As this editorial from the New York Times explains, the concept of marriage between a man and a woman becomes increasingly idolized in terms of raising children. Worldwide, as times change, less importance is placed on a nuclear family. Just because a union occurs between a man and a man or a woman and a woman does not make them any less capable of caring for children. The assertion that kids need a mother or father figure is simply blatantly stereotypical. What is a mother figure? What is a father figure? To assume that all parents fall under either of those two categories proves utter ignorance. Families rely on tender, loving care, regardless of the gender of one's parents.

All in all, same-sex marriage is something that should be legal nationwide, however long it will take for this to happen. First things first, it is essential for people to recognize gays and homosexuals as equals. Humans, just like you and me.

1 comment:

jcsaint88 said...

This post was done by Sammie, and I have to give her kudos. Her article is about gay marriage and how everyone should be equal. I 100percent agree. There is a separation between church and state for a reason, and so far I have heard nothing from the people that do not want same sex marriage to be legal that wasn’t related to sin of religion.

In Sammie’s article she wisely states that this issue will never have a conclusion that appeases both sides. She also asks some tough questions like, “How can anyone truly justify this as a legitimate basis on which to deny rights? What happened to true equality? Who has the right to make exceptions to fairness, to choose to grant rights to some but not all Americans?” Way to go Sammie! These are great points.

She goes on to say that the nuclear families are not the only type of family that can raise kids. “Families rely on tender, loving care, regardless of the gender of one's parents.” I completely agree. Kids aren’t going to see people as homosexuals they are going to see them as parents.

All in all there are links to other articles, and good clear points. It is only one person’s opinion, but I like how she doesn’t tell every one this is right. She tells people why she thinks it should be.

For those of you who are wondering I am Catholic, God judges, not man. What’s right for me is not for others.